Need to format groups of matching rows with alternating colors.
Use a formula with conditional formatting.
1) Decide which column will be the "key column".
2) Sort sheet by key column.
3) Define a new Conditional Formatting column
- Put "1" in column header row
- Put formula in second row. Example: "=IF(A2=A1,D1,D1*-1)" where "A" is key column and "D" is Conditional Formatting column.
- Copy formula into each row of column.
- Select all active cells in sheet
- Click Conditional Formatting/New Rule...
- Select Rule Type "Use a formula to determine which cells to format".
- In "Format values where this formula is true:", define the Conditional Formatting column where = 1: Example: "=$D1=1" where "D" is Conditional Formatting column.
- Click Format...
- Select Fill tab, pick color, click OK, click OK.